Saturday, May 17, 2014

Back Home After Surgery.

As it turned out, the operation was much more extensive than first planned, because the cancer had grown considerably in the few short months since the first surgery.
The prognosis is not good, and I am being given very little time.
I don't think I'll be writing much on here for the next while, because I'm feeling like I've been hit by a truck. Good luck and God bless you all. I'll try to write soon.


  1. Oh I'm so sorry. I pray that your heart is filled with a peace that surpasses understanding as you navigate these next weeks and months. Much love being sent to you. <3

  2. This breaks my heart. We love you.

  3. I've been reading your blog for a long time -- and I am sure many other people, like me, have not commented. Your writing and your life comfort and inspire. Know that you are loved.

  4. This is such sad news. I have enjoyed reading your blog. My thoughts and heart are with you. Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us.

  5. I am so sorry to hear this. I've been reading about a year, and wish you peace.

  6. Thank you for sharing your journey. You have inspired me many times. God bless you

  7. Thank you, so much, for everything you have written here. You have been a source of solace, a source of encouragement, a source of knowledge. I send you peace, as well.

  8. I am so sorry to hear this. I have received so much from your blog. Thank you for everything you have done here and I will be thinking of you.

  9. I am saddened by this news. I feel as if I know you through what you write. Sending positive thoughts your way. I hope the days ahead are filled with love.

  10. Prayers and support

  11. I am so sorry. I want to help support you emotionally. My email is My 12th step work is I rarely use my phone but would be glad to give you my phone number.
    I am on regular Facebook and have 15 FB pan page. Do you want me to set up a FB Fan page where we can post messages of hope?
    You have been such an active blogger but I understand your need to not write.
    Please let me know any way I can help.
    Love, Kathy

  12. I'm so sorry, too. Your writing has been such a source of comfort and inspiration for me. You have touched many hearts here. Thank you.

  13. I am so deeply saddened. No one deserves such terrible news. I have been reading your blog for a year and a half, and it's brought me so much comfort and serenity in times when I've needed it. I wish I could give you a big hug. I'll say a prayer for you.

  14. I have read your blog religiously for nearly three years and it has been a big part of my Alanon program to do so. I am the same age as you and recently divorced after 19 years of marriage to an alcoholic who stopped drinking 12 years into our marriage and went back to AA meetings over five years later, after I had been in Alanon nearly a year. I don't think I would have had the strength to leave this marriage without Alanon and your story. We can never know all God has in store for us, can we? I hope it is a source of comfort and strength for you to read the comments everyone has shared, as you have been and will always be a source of inspiration for me. I hope to be reading you blog many years from now when we are both old ladies! Sending love, light, hope and gratitude!

  15. I am so sorry to hear this news. Your words have brought me much comfort.

  16. Sending good and loving thoughts your way ...

  17. Thinking of you and praying for your strength, health, and peace. You are such an inspiration.

  18. You are in my heart to stay. That is what love is. If I can help, let me know.

  19. I have read your blog for a long time and have found hope, inspiration, wisdom and comfort here. I find myself turning to your blog whenever I am going through difficult times. Thank you for the words that have helped so much.

  20. Hello-
    I am new to Alanon and I have just recently discovered your blog. I was crushed to have read about your prognosis with the cancer. I have just gone through a 3 year battle with Leukemia with my only brother. I was a 100% match for the bone marrow transplant- but we did not make it to the transplant because his heart was damaged by the chemo. I guess I just wanted to touch base with you at this time....Please know that I admire your strength and courage and I am sending prayers in your direction. You have contributed much to my personal well being since I have read your beautiful and very insightful words.
    You have blessed my life.
    Thank you for that and for now --- I am imagining you in the hand of God.
    Peace be with you.
