We move in 11 days. We haven't spent the holiday with family in many years - they either live at the other end of the country, and fight like mad dogs whenever they get together, or were abusive, and I have no contact with them. Friends have offered, and we did accept a New Year's Eve invitation, but we usually spend Christmas Day with just the two of us, because that's how we like it. Over the years we've been together, we've each slowly, gradually, come back from hating the holiday, to being able to enjoy it in each other's company. The prospect of cooking turkey dinner feels daunting and just too much this year, so we were discussing alternatives. We can go to a restaurant, or we can go to the dinner held at the Alano club; that might be fun, I've never done that. I know I have always enjoyed 12-Step functions, seem to come home with a sore stomach from laughing, and the feeling of camraderie, connection, and love, is powerful and uplifting. When I go to these sorts of 12-Step gatherings, there is always a moment in which I can feel God in the room so strongly, it brings tears to my eyes.
Today, I'm going to do my yoga exercises, walk the dogs, and then pack. I've been talked into letting go of the humungous steel desk I've had for the last 10 years. My spouse has moved that sucker twice, and couldn't face moving it again: it weighs a ton, and is a pain to manhandle through doorways, being 6'x3' of rock-solid construction. I bought a folding table for temporary use.
I will be offline from Jan 1st to the 3rd, when the internet connection should be up and running again. From now until then, my posting may continue to be sporadic, but I'll try to get to it when I can.
Today, I'm feeling excited at the banquet of Al-Anon meetings the city offers; all those choices, all that recovery, all that wisdom! What a treat, and a blessing, and a delight that prospect is.
The hand of Alanon is truly everywhere! I can't wait to hear about your holiday, your moving and unpacking!! May it be peaceful with few bumps along the road.
I know you will enjoy and be blessed if you choose to go to the Alano club for the holiday meal. We did that here for Thanksgiving and it is always a wonderful time.
We are doing the feast for those folks in recovery who don't have a place to go on Christmas Day. I'm looking forward to it. I hope that you enjoy an alternative to your usual Christmas. Spending it with those in recovery sounds delightful to me.